Friday, May 1, 2020
Carsales for International Journal of Management - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theCarsales for International Journal of Project Management. Answer: Introduction Car and bikes have become the lifeline for the peoples in the cities, especially in Australia. It is seen that that the number of the cars per house is approximately 2 or more. But where these cars comes from and how the people get it, the answer is the Also known as the ASX: CAR is one of the largest online automobile selling organisation. IT deals with cars, bikes, supercars and marine automobiles. The organisation structure has not only attracted a huge number of the customers in the Australia but also all over the world. It has many of the subsiders which all together have more than 600 employees (Kane et al. 2015). The organisation not only deals with the automobiles but also helps the customer by providing proper and world class equipments for the automobiles. This paper is about the nature of the business that the organisation does and how it beneficial for the customers. Also this paper includes the governance structure of the organisation and the polices of the origination. The paper also provides a brief about the risks that the organisation faces in the modern generation time (Bower 2018). The roles of the corporate officers are also part of the paper which deals with the work that the officers does and their work affects the working of the organisation. Further that how the organisations works with the risk management also reflects in this paper. One of the major thing that is to be considered while selling automobiles, the governance policy is also on of the major aspect , this paper highlight the regulatory requirements that helps the organisation for the work of regulatory requirements of the organisation. Also the IS systems and the IT management issues are also highlighted. Nature of the Business The is one of the leading automobile selling industry in the Australia. The entire business of the organisation runs in the online platform that is it uses the information technology for the business enhancement (Leite et al. 2015). The work of the industry is very simple, that is it has created and platform though which the users can search for the cars or bike or truck, accessories, farming equipment and any other automobile that the user wants to buy or sell. Interested customers can search for the same, the organisation helps with the process from location to the buying process while taking a minimal fee for the same (Susskind and Susskind 2015). The mission of the organisation according to the systems is to provide helpful services in the industry to reduce the cost of the automotive advertise in the country. The vision of the organisation is to provide a smooth car buying and selling journey to the Australians. It also provides the customers with each and every det ails about the car whether it is a new or a old platform before buying (Busse, Knittel and Zettelmeyer 2013). If an owner wants to sell a particular car, all the owner has to do is to fill the form available in the website and the upload pictures, of the car. When the confirmation is done and payment is confirmed, officials come and checks the condition of the car and approves it. Then the advertisement of the car is given in page of the website. It uses many of the advanced technology for the same (Grant 2016). It uses the information systems for the purpose of the developing the website it needs for the business. The organisation has a very profound data base that helps the organisation to store the most accurate information about the cars and the details of the customers. Also it uses the cloud system which helps the organisation is maintain the proper order. It can be said that using information technology has helped the organisation a lot in developing the nature of the busines s in this competitive world. The governance structures, processes, and policies The organisation a very strict and advanced governance policies which helps the organisation in the process of the business policy. It helps the organisation to maintain a good decorum in the business. The Governance, is program that helps in maintain the roles of the individuals and the management roles which helps in defining the management roles and the polices for taking a better decision for the organisation (Scholes 2015). The agreement paper of the organisation includes many of the parameters that the user must full fill before starting with the Some of policies are The user must be at least 18 years of age and needs to provide the same. The member needs to get to register to the service and before using it. There are private as well as commercial services, having a different set of the rules. Any of the private dealer would not be considered as commercial and would not get the advantages vice versa. What must not be done by the users are : Automobile not located in Australia should not be advertised. Automobile that are not instantaneously available for sale are not be put in the advertisements. Automobile are not be made one else but the owner of the car. Advertisements are not be submitted which are illegal. Picture of the car and the papers are mandatory for the Advertisements. Carsales is not bound to publish the Ad until accepted by carsales. These are some of the basic policies that the customer has to follow, apart from these there are several other such policies that the organisation needs to follow. The employees of the organisation also has to follow certain rules that the organisation has to follow (Vignola, McDaniels and Scholz 2013). Every employee of the organisation has a specific set of the rules that has be followed. There is special team in the organisation which looks into the matters of this factors. All the customers needs to follow the set of the rule and the regulation in order to use the platform of the organisation. The corporate officers and their roles Corporate officials the employees of the organisation who are the head. These people are responsible for every movement of the organisation. All the decisions are that re made by them affects the entire work process of the organisation. Here are given some of the names of the people who are the brains and the mind of the organisation. Chairman: Richard Collins, the current Chairman and director of the organisation has been working for the organisation since the past 18years (Xue et al. 2013). He is the head of board of the directors and confirms every decision that the organisation needs to take. Managing Director CEO: Cameron McIntyre is the managing director and the CEO of the organisation. He is responsible for all the sales and the services of the organisation, without his confirmation none of the moves are approved (Uslaner 2013). He is been serving the organisation since the year of the 2016. The carsales.coms entire business plan is made by him in the resent years and the use of the modern technology is also an idea of him. Being a degree holder from the Harvard school of business knows each and every aspect of the business and uses his mind for the development of the same. Non-Executive Director: The work of the non-executive director does not shows a breakup in the regular day to day work, but in the polies and planning of the organisation. The role of the non-executive director is to make the plan and polices for the organisation. Also the work of the Non-Executive Director is to monitor the activities of the ceo and the chairman of the organisation and to include more and more shareholders for the organisation (Touchon et al. 2013). Wal Pisciotta OAM, Kim Anderson, Patrick O'Sullivan, Edwina Gilbert are the Non-Executive Directors of the organization who looks in the smooth going of the business of the organisation., General Counsel and Company Secretary: The work of the general counsel and the company secretory is to look into the legal matters of the organisation. Nicole Birman is women who looks into all these staffs on behalf of the organisation. These are the few people who looks in the top level matters of the organisation and helps the organisations smooth going and helping in the development of the organisation. Governance structures The policies that the organisation has is well compiled to the governmental reforms of the country. The organisation follows the norms that are given by the government and does not include any practice that is illegal ( 2018). The selling and the buying of the cars and the other automobiles are in accordance to the government of the organisation. Further the organisation checks all the papers of the cars and the validity of the owner who is selling the item. When a person is buying an automobile, a check for the person is also done by the organisation. The registration number of the car, owner details are the other such things (Unger, Gemnden and Aubry 2012). The customer needs to validate all the documents like the paper of the car, the pollution papers and other papers that are related to the systems. This is done for the betterment of the customers and to keep the organisation in the safe side. This is made sure that no illegal deal is done via the plat form of the organisation. Organisation addresses and mitigates risk. Risk mitigation is the technique to reduce the number of the risk in minimum number by the process of proper risk analysis method. An incessant, pre-emptive and methodical process of categorising, assessing and managing risk in line with the accepted risk levels to provide reasonable assurance as to achieving the expected result .The organisation uses on some of the strong computer architectures for the betterment of the systems and the websites (Schwartz 2017). In any organisation risk is one of the major factor that affects the business. In case of this organisation there are also some of the major risk are, if the car is a stolen one and some ones is trying to sell the car using fake papers. Other than this the user who may use fake profile to buy any cars can also be called risk. Some of the other minor risk are that if the one confirms to sell the car and later deny it. This are some of the issues that the organisation faces can be solved by verifying the user and charging the u ser beforehand (Welford 2016). Other than this some of the major risk that the organization can face in terms of the information technology are blocking of the websites, hacking of the systems database and other hacks. The organisation uses a strong risk analysis method for getting the prior knowledge of the risk in the systems. There are 5 steps that the organisation follows to analyse any of the risk in the system, first is to identify the major risk that the organisation can face, the second is who will be affected because of the risk, is it the organisation or the clients and the taking appropriate pre causing for removing the risk of the organisation (Lacetera, Pope and Sydnor 2012). The 4th is to keep a track of the previous risk and to analyse and remove the same (Hemmati 2012). The fifth is to update the risk related issue in the proper interval of time. With the proper assumption of the risk, the organisational woks goes on and the three is smooth flow of the work in the or ganisation. The customer has a huge role while playing to keep the datas safe. According to the organisation no customer must share the personal data online and offline to any one other. The use of others account is also one of the major problem, according to company policy no one other than the seller or the buyer can use the account but it does not happens many times it is seen that people use some of others account. This can be one of the major problem for the organisation in maintaining the decorum of the business. Possible improvements: Some of the improvements that the organisation needs to do for the betterment of the business are introducing the IT in the business process (Prince 2012). In order to save the websites and the servers form attackers the organisation needs a huge support team which can look after the working of the IT things. Introduction of proper anti-virus and the use of the cloud architectures can help the organisation in the process of saving the data and information of the organisation. Some of the common hacks that can affect the websites are Sql injections, Cross referencing scripting, server side invalidation error, having a strong passwords other such malwares. Further the organisation needs to keep the client data safe, if there is any issue with the client data, the clients may boycott the system of the (Huse and Lucinda 2014). The organisation can use the PAAS as a platform for the development and safekeeping of the data. Further the use of the softwares that helps in the pr otection of the data can be used. The organisation can also introduce new risk assessment techniques that can help in better analysis of the risk. Further the use of the artificial intelligence can help the organisation regular work and decrease the work pressure of the employees, it can help in the automation of the tasks. Conclusion: Thus, concluding the topic it can be said that the is one of the major industry that is working in the Australia for the betterment of the customers. The organisation has a very strong nature of the business that it does. With the increase demands of the cars and the automobile the business of the organisation are increasing with passing days and in the near future may rise to global extent. The organisation can open up global hubs for the selling of the cars globally which can help the organisation to improve. The organisation also needs to reform some of the business patterns and improve some of the business processes for the betterment of the organisation. Also the organisation needs to improve the IS management systems which will help the organisation in having more and more customer. Introducing better it can also help the organisation in defending against malwares and other such attacks. References Busse, M.R., Knittel, C.R. and Zettelmeyer, F., 2013. Are consumers myopic? Evidence from new and used car purchases. American Economic Review, 103(1), pp.220-56. Lacetera, N., Pope, D.G. and Sydnor, J.R., 2012. Heuristic thinking and limited attention in the car market. American Economic Review, 102(5), pp.2206-36. Huse, C. and Lucinda, C., 2014. The market impact and the cost of environmental policy: evidence from the Swedish green car rebate. The Economic Journal, 124(578). Prince, R., 2012. Policy transfer, consultants and the geographies of governance. Progress in Human Geography, 36(2), pp.188-203. Hemmati, M., 2012.Multi-stakeholder processes for governance and sustainability: beyond deadlock and conflict. Routledge. Welford, R., 2016.Corporate environmental management 1: Systems and strategies. Routledge. Schwartz, M.S., 2017.Corporate social responsibility. 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InIAMOT 2015 Conference Proceedings(pp. 2026-2039).
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