Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Discuss the key challenges for social workers in working in Essay

Discuss the key challenges for social workers in working in partnership with parents and protecting children in Northern Ireland - Essay Example However, social workers have not been without challenges in their daily work. Among the challenges social workers face in Northern Ireland comes from partnering with parents in protecting children. Examples are physical violence, abuse, violent attacks, aggressive clients, criticisms and intimidation (Davey, p.34). Over the year there have been reviews and establishment of laws and policies that affect the children’s rights and duty of care. This has brought misunderstanding between the social workers duties, those of the parents and those of the state. 1. Under the Kids and Younger Individuals Act (Northern Ireland) 1950, the generalist welfare authorities were accountable for rendering of services to children and young persons in need of proper care or security (cited in Geen, p.15). 3. The Ingleby Report outlined the need for power to fight neglect, ill treatment and child offending in all manners. This led to the Kids and Younger Individuals Act 1963 in Britain and Wales and, in turn, to the Children and Younger Individuals Act (Northern Ireland) 1968. Both established prevention as an actual concept in childcare exercise (Haringey Local Safeguarding Children Board. Serious Case 2010, p.45). 4. The Report of the Panel on Regional Power and Allied Personal Social Services 1968 (the Seebohm Report) suggested that professional local authority divisions should be taken off by overall social services divisions offering society care services to families, children and other grownups in need of proper care or support. It was envisaged that a single public employee could deal with all the public problems within one family. In North Ireland in Europe generic welfare divisions had since 1948 offered an extensive set of public services for family members, children and grownups in need of proper care and protection(Cited in Ferguson, p.56). 5. The Kids

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